Typical Daily Camp Schedule

Below is a typical day at camp. But things change, so it won't look like this every day.

For example, one day we'll go on an excursion together to Kiev. Some days we'll have picnics in the forest. Some days we'll watch a Hollywood movie. On the last day, we'll have a fun talent show with funny skits and songs. And we'll have a banquet on the last night where we can share wishes with our new friends. But most of all we'll have lots of fun!

Daily Schedule

9.00 -- Breakfast

9.45 -- Sing fun songs together to wake up

10.00 -- Cultural talk about interesting places or activities from the various countries represented

10.15 -- discussion groups about interesting topics like success, friendship, money, happiness, etc... It's great English practice!

10.45 -- Outdoor games (group games or sport games like baseball, basketball, volleyball, soccer)

12.00 -- Free time

13.00 -- Lunch

13:45 -- Conversational English lesson (focus is on idioms, vocabulary and speaking practice)

15:15 -- Free time

17:15 -- Watch portions of a Hollywood film about Jesus (in English with subtitles) and share opinions about the film in discussion groups. This will be more great practice expressing your opinions in English!

18.00 -- Free time

18.30 -- Supper

19.30 -- Evening meeting (Sing songs, a couple of Americans or British will share interesting personal stories)

20.30 -- Free time (drink tea together, play games, play guitar and sing, sometimes watch Hollywood movies, etc...)

1.00 -- Go to bed.